
A quick world tour to Strasburg, NY, Capetown, Melbourne, Shanghai…

After 30 years in a completely different field, the artist Hugh-M rediscovered the need to work on painting with the colors of life.
The painter’s desire is to take the spectator in a travel to discover the world in an accessible manner through more than 150 painting. In this way, he shows the cultural diversity in a time of globalisation in which our differences tend to fade.
To fulfill his representational painting, Hugh-M start by a work of search on the web and project faces on the canvas before giving them birth in color.
The feeling of plurality is strengthen by using five contrasting and complementary colors each matched with a continent (Europe in blue, Africa in Red, Asia in yellow, America in green and Oceania in purple).

We are all women, men and children of the world.

(Born in 1966 in Caen, lives in Strasbourg)